Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Alliance Computing Solutions (ACS) is dedicated to supporting students in achieving their academic goals while maintaining eligibility for federal, state, and institutional aid. To ensure students are making satisfactory academic progress, ACS evaluates students’ Grade Point Average (GPA), Pace of Completion, and attendance throughout their program. 

Minimum Academic Standards: To remain in good academic standing and be eligible for financial aid, students must meet the following minimum requirements: 

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): 
  • Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or a grade of C in all courses. 
  • Grades are assigned based on the following scale: 

  • Pace of Completion: 
  • Students must pass all required courses within the designated timeframe. 
  • Students must pass all required courses by the midpoint of the program and complete all course requirements by the maximum program length. 
  • Attendance: 
  • Students must attend at least eighty-five percent (85%) of the class hours offered. 
  • Absences exceeding 15% of the total number of instructional hours offered during the first half of the program, excluding approved leaves of absences, may result in warning/probation. 

Maximum Program Length: 

  • Students must complete their program within 1.5 times or 150% of its standard program length. 
  • Failure to complete the program within the allotted time period will result in termination from the program. 

Review Process: 

  • SAP is evaluated at the end of each payment period by the Financial Aid Office. 
  • Students who fail to meet SAP requirements will have their financial aid terminated and will be notified in writing. 

Warning and Probation: 

  • Students who fail to meet attendance or academic requirements may be placed on warning/probation for one grading period. 
  • Probationary students are considered to be making satisfactory progress and must meet all requirements by the end of the probation period. 
  • Failure to achieve satisfactory progress may result in dismissal from the program. 

Academic Appeal: 

  • Students may appeal their failure to meet SAP standards due to extenuating circumstances. 
  • Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office and include documentation of the circumstances and a plan for improvement. 
  • Appeal decisions are final for the program year. 

Maximum Timeframe: 

  • Students who exceed the maximum timeframe become ineligible for financial aid, and this determination cannot be appealed. 

It is the responsibility of each student to understand and adhere to the SAP policy. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from academic advisors or the Financial Aid Office if they have questions or concerns regarding their academic progress or financial aid eligibility.